Enjoy uninterrupted streaming of Spanish and English hits across genres like salsa, hip-hop, Christian, and more. With Spanglish Radio, you can listen to your favorite music continuously, even when the app is minimized, thanks to our background audio feature. Discover new songs, switch genres seamlessly, and tune into the best bilingual beats. Download Spanglish Radio and keep the music flowing anytime, anywhere!
*Free App Features:
User Friendly Interface: Simple to use, just tap the button of choice.
Spanish & English Options: Easily customize your experience ensuring you never miss a beat in either language.
Live Radio: Streaming 24/7 no interruptions.
Background Play: Keep the music going even while using other apps. This app requires the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission to maintain uninterrupted audio playback for streaming content, even when the app is in the background.
Exclusive Podcasts: Discover insightful content, music, culture, faith, and beyond.
*Premium App Features:
On-Demand Music: Pick a genre and tap the button. Includes unlimited skips, rewind, and fast-forward, for $0.99. Download now!